Real learning
at ECS

Holistic and meaningful education

Our residential summer courses for children and teens have learning English at their core, but they are about much more than that. Every part of the day is an opportunity for learning and development: in classes, on the sports field, in creative workshops, on trips and during free time.

Real learning is relevant, engaging and deeply understood. It is not about having just enough knowledge to pass a test or assessment or surface level knowledge that can be quickly forgotten. It is about building deeper levels of understanding, a range of interconnecting skills and an independence that will empower and bolster pupils for their whole life.

At ECS we encourage curiosity and confidence, alongside respect and compassion.


It is difficult to fully articulate all of the learning opportunities that we provide at ECS. Suffice to say we are professional educators who know our limitations, understand the inherent capacity of children to learn from each other, and provide time, space and opportunity for them to do so. – Christopher Etchells

Contact us if you have any questions about our approach to learning at ECS.

"ECS gave me a unique opportunity to meet people from multicultural backgrounds, improve my English and develop open mindedness." (Beatrice, from Poland)

“ECS is not only about learning English, but about acquiring tolerance, respect and interest for diversity without even realising it.” (Elena, from Belgium)

“I learnt to be independent, to take care of myself, to make new friends, to be open to other cultures, to be curious about the world and how it works…” (Fabiola, from Italy)

“ECS taught me how to depend on myself and adapt to new places and different people.” (Shahd, from Egypt)

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Creativity and practical skills

In workshops like cookery, drama and photography pupils learn real-world skills that not only help with their career but also give them pleasure for life. Because pupils choose to attend particular workshops they are naturally interested. This kind of direct, self-motivated, physical learning is powerful, memorable and lasting.

Physical skills and team work

On the sports field pupils learn the fun of friendly competition, how to work as a team, and how to accept success and defeat gracefully. They learn new physical skills, developing fitness, gaining confidence and new experiences through a range of different sports.

Through sports and active games, pupils strengthen the relationship between body and mind. They begin to understand the power of practice and discover the great feelings of energy and relaxation that come from regular exercise.

Exploration and independence

Pupils continue learning in their free time. The school grounds are extensive, with woodland, ponds, even a small river. Whether it is little ones jumping, laughing and playing in the school playgrounds or older children exploring in the natural environment, we provide a safe place for kids to be kids, learning through play that is physical, exploratory, constructive, imaginative and social.

New ideas and discussion

As well as physically exploring the world around them, there are lots of opportunities to learn from one another. We encourage pupils, especially our teens, to share ideas, discuss global questions, and develop a better understanding of different countries and cultures. This helps our pupils  become more open-minded and respectful towards each other while making new friendships too.

Adventure and challenge

Our adventure camp provides an ideal setting for exploration and discovery. Age-mixed activities allow younger children to learn skills and sophisticated ways of thinking from older ones; older children learn how to nurture, lead and in general be the mature person in a relationship. Add to this the sense of community and wonder (think camp fire under the stars...) and physical challenge that comes from a technology-free camp in very beautiful natural surroundings and you will appreciate that this is a very special learning environment.

Learn more about our adventure camp