ECS Alumni page
Over the years thousands of pupils have attended ECS and now live and work all over the world. They are connected by the common experience of attending ECS.
The following comments about the benefits of attending ECS are made by people who have attended during the past 30+ years.
If you would like to share you experience of attending ECS, or update your entry, please use this form.
If you are a former pupil and wish to contact any of the people on this page please email Chris Etchells who will connect you.
Sven Rusdal
in Norway
"In school, I was never a straight A student. In fact, I was quite the opposite. But getting the chance to be in a safe environment turned out to be exactly what I needed to let go and “just talk English”. I am quite sure that my three weeks among other youths, attending ECS, is the reason for that. There is one evening at Rannoch School that I believe is the first time someone heard me doing an impression. The story from that night is here: "
Rannoch School


Christiana Karagiorgi
in Greece
"I'm in my third year of History at University College London. I will never forget how carefree I was those 5 summers at Port Regis. I still talk to wonderful people and my English improved significantly."
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Port Regis


Caroline Sundin
in Sweden
"I'm studying a master degree in engineering with focus on environmental engineering and sustainable infrastructure at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. At ECS I made friends for life, learnt English, grew as a person, got to learn about other cultures, got to travel and more."
2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
Windermere, Rose Hill, Sibford


Daniel Utsch
in Germany
"I am working as a business consultant. I don't have an office as I travel to our clients in all parts of the world. I mainly see production plants, airports and hotels. I benefitted in many ways from ECS, for example my English skills are of great use when working abroad. I got a very good sense of independence from going abroad for short periods of time as a minor and most of all I know that foreign people enrich my life."
1998, 1999

Hadar Lieberman
in Israel
"I'm studying Science of Soil and Water in the Agriculture Campus of Hebrew University and working in a Search Engine Optimization company. Meeting people from all around the world really opens up your mind to people different than you who grew up from various backgrounds having beliefs that differ greatly than yours, tolerance and acceptance are my lessons from ECS."
2004, 2005
Beatrice Jurskyte
in Eire
"I'm working as an Account Strategist at Google, helping hundreds of UK businesses grow and succeed with advertising. ECS broadened my cross-cultural mindset and helped me in becoming the open-minded person I am now."
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Rose Hill, Sibford, Port Regis


Elena Gaita
in Belgium
"I am currently working for an international human rights NGO in Brussels as a political advocacy officer towards the EU institutions. Thanks to ECS I got in contact with people from many different countries and cultures. It's not only about learning English, but about acquiring tolerance, respect and interest for diversity without even realising it."
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
Lillesden, Rannoch
ContactDominic Etchells
in France
"I'm currently DJ-ing 8 times a week in french clubs and bars in the mountains and snowboarding every day."
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014!
All centres!
Contact Social mediaThen


Didem Chaglar
in UK
"After ECS I finished my schooling and moved to England permanently. I now work as a nanny during the day and karate instructor in the evenings and weekends. And I still take a lot of photos and travel whenever I can. I gained so much confidence during my stay which helped in all aspects of my life. And of course the amazing tutors who were great at teaching and helped with my language skills."
Lockleys (Sherrardswood)


Eduardo Urgesi
in Italy
"I am currently attending the sixth form of an English High School (year 13) after have moved to the UK to improve my course of study. Also applying to Oxford University and London for a degree in Medicine. At ECS I learnt how to adapt in a different country, how to completely rely on myself; and I significantly improved my knowledge of the english language."
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
ContactFabiola Mordeglia
in Italy
"I'm working in the tourism field, as a project manager with an Italian incoming tour operator. English is just one of the thousand things I've learned at ECS: I've learned to be independent, to take care of myself, to make new friends (and for a shy little girl it was really tough), to be open to other cultures, to be curious about the world and how it works in other countries … as well as making the bed every morning, taking a plane by my own, preparing a suitcase and ironing my clothes before leaving."
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
Sherrardswood, Lillesden


Veronica Di Dato
in Sweden
"I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English literature and linguistics at Malmö University in Sweden. At ECS I gained a lot of new friends, as well as experiences that I still value today. Most of all it was the new friendships though, because I still keep in contact with many of them."
2009, 2010


Anders Warrer
in UK
"I now live in London, working in communications for a recycling company. Being the only Dane there, it gave my English a massive boost which I use to this day working in London with a broad range of international colleagues."
Contact Social media
Pimpattra Woraumponkul
in Thailand
" I recently graduated with first-class honors in Bachelor of Business Administration from Mahidol University International College. Throughout my bachelor's degree, I've had scholarships to study abroad in multiple countries. ECS not only gave me the opportunity to make friends with people from all kinds of different cultures but also shaped me into an independent and adventurous individual who's always ready for new challenges."
Port Regis
Jeanne Alberty
in Wales, UK
"I'm now in Wales studying business. I used to be a very shy person but became significantly more confident thanks to the ECS staff and amazing teenagers with whom I'm glad I've spent these three summers."
2009, 2010, 2011
Sibford, Port Regis


Yakov Sapozhnikov
in Israel
"I moved to Israel from Russia, to finish school and to get international school-leaving certificate. ECS was a time full of fun, friendship and learning. I learned how to contact with people from all over the world. I learned their culture, and a lot of new information about them. And, surely, I met new friends!"
2011, 2012, 2013
Port Regis
Contact Social mediaThen


Aleksandra Karewicz
in Poland
"I met a lot of amazing people from all around the world, and even though we don't always keep in touch I know that wherever I go, I have a friend that I can visit and good memories to share."
2009, 201, 2011
Sibford, Port Regis
Dimitris Dardamanis
in Belgium
"I am a general surgeon specialised in abdominal digestive and baritric surgery, currently working in Belgium. At ECS I got familiar with English language and culture, made international friends and opened my horizons outside my family and country."
The Old Ride
Contact Social mediaShahd Abdel Gawad
in Egypt
"Next June I will be finishing my bachelor in digital media engineering. I am engaged to my best friend. ECS taught me how to depend on myself and survive without my parents, how to adapt to new places and different people - and that there is no age limit for travelling!"
Angela Zhang
in USA
"I'm studying abroad in the USA now. At ECS it was amazing to build connections which will last a life time with people of different nationalities and backgrounds. I decided to go abroad to study after going to ECS. It helped me to shape my perspective of the world and my future."
2012, 2013
Normancourt, Port Regis
ContactCaroline Foster
in Canada
"Now I teach nursing at a University here in Canada. At ECS I met girls from all over the world. And the food was fantastic. I only went for one year so it was all such a new experience for me. I learnt about British History, and Anglicanism. I made friends, some of whom I stayed in contact with. I learnt about another way of life."
ContactBasma Al-Yahya
in USA
"I am a product Manager at Sephora HQ working on their mobile app and mobile web. At ECS I met amazing people from all over the world some of which I'm still in touch with."
Rannoch, Windermere
2002. 2003
ContactRuna Eide
in Norway
"I'm currently studying nursing at Oslo College of Applied Science. At ECS I made a lot of new friends and learned about other cultures. Great teachers, and lots of fun activities. I'm still in contact with many of my friends abroad today, even after so many years. Improved my english a lot, and surprised everyone at home when I got back. They never expected such an improvement."
Port Regis
Marina Andujar Garcia
in Spain
"I'm currently at university. I met such wonderful people at ECS. I Improved my English level and had a good experience that I will remember my whole life."
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Social mediaClara Hamelin
in France
"I'm currently in an advertising and communication school. ECS helped me to improve my English and to learn about different cultures."
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Windermere, Sibford
ContactEveline de Bruijn
in USA
"I currently work for The United Nations. At ECS I made friends from all over the world. I benefitted from young exposure to different cultures."
Arturo Rodríguez Lopez
in Spain
"I'm currently studying Architecture in Tunghai University (Madrid) and CEU San Pablo (Madrid). At ECS I learned a lot of English and it helped me to make really good relationships and open my mind to other countries' cultures."
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Windermere, Sibford
Patricija Jurskyte
in Lithuania
"Every minute spent at ECS was amazing. I improved my english language and knowledge as well as making many new friends, who i even contact these days. "
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Port Regis
ContactMadalena Costa
in Portugal
"I made friends around the world and learned a lot about other people's cultures and language. Some of them I still talk to once in a while."
2010, 2012, 2013
Port Regis


Joana Maria S B Miranda Coelho
in Portugal
"Right now I'm taking my bachelors degree in Economics at Nova School of Business and Economics (Lisbon, Portugal) (just finished my second year) and I intend to take my masters afterwards. At ECS I loved the cooking classes with Sarah, the film classes with James, the casino night, the dancing nights...It was a very fulfilling experience for me. By being in contact with so many different people from so many different places, I became more communicative and open minded. I still talk to some people that I met that summer and it is amazing to remember all we've been through."
ContactAlbert Jasansky
in Czech Republic
"I currently study at the English College in Prague, where I have started my International Baccalaureate. The whole experience of ECS is an amazing memory. I found friends for life, who I now try to meet annually, learned perfect English from great people and had the time of my life."
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Sibford, Port Regis
ContactFilipa Luz
in Czech Republic
"Currently I'm studying medicine in the Czech Republic. At ECS I had the chance to meet people from a lot of different nationalities, make new friends, practice my favorite sports and all of this while learning english! It turned me into a much more social person."
2008, 2009


Luca Lobjanidze
in UK
"Troublesome Luca Lobjanidze somehow ended up in university and is currently studying at University College London. So many memories of ECS, it's incredible, always spending time in Sarah's office in rose hill, the flag game out in the big field, that was cool; the lightening tree I remember. I don't know Rose Hill had something magical to it. Oh and I guess enough time passed now, when the alarm went off at Rose Hill the last day in 2004? It was me and Dominic but he had promised he would take the blame himself if we were caught so I didn't say anything, Sorry! Good memories for life, that surface sometimes out of nowhere."
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Windermere, Rose Hill
ContactNicolò Bartolomeo
in Italy
"I remember everything! I will never forget the time I spent at Sibford, because it was my first year with ECS. The place was beautiful and the people were amazing!"
2012, 2013


30+ years of ECS