orphanage volunteering

Rowling talks about orphanage volunteering


At ECS we encourage pupils to travel, mix and ultimately we hope use their skills to make the world a better place.

Some of them as a result might be tempted to volunteer to help out in an orphanage, both because they are good people who want to help and perhaps too because this kind of experience is perceived as being a useful addition to a resumé or CV.

But a recent article in British newspaper The Guardian casts doubt on the wisdom of helping out in orphanages. World famous Harry Potter author JK Rowling says:

“My message to young people today is: yes, volunteer – but plan carefully and thoughtfully. Your time and energy are precious: use them wisely and they will help change the world. Do not volunteer in orphanages. Instead, look at what drives children into institutions and dedicate your time to projects that tackle poverty or support communities with vital services.”

It looks like excellent advice. You can watch a video of Rowling speaking here and you can read the full Guardian article here.