Learn about primates
and explore the woods
Monkey World
Monkey World is a rescue centre for monkeys and apes in a large woodland that is great fun to explore. It is a short trip from our campus and makes an ideal day trip for our younger pupils.
There are around 250 primates at Monkey World, from large orang-utans to little marmosets, are cared for in the park, almost all of whom have been rescued from research laboratories and illegal pet trades. There are friendly staff who give talks about the different animals and can answer the children's questions.
As well as seeing and learning about these wonderful animals, pupils have great fun playing in a large adventure play area.
Age: 7-12
Duration: full day
Lunch: pupils prepare a packed lunches after breakfast, including a sandwich, crisps, chocolate bar and fruit.
Taking care
We are careful to balance freedom to explore, which helps build confidence and independence, with supervision and support to ensure the safety and wellbeing of every pupil on our trips and excursions. All ECS trips are fully risk-assessed with a thorough 'what if' process to ensure we are prepared for every eventuality.
There are always at least two members of staff on each coach. Pupils are accompanied at all times on this trip, with at least one member of staff for every six children. Pupils are advised to stay in pairs if they are away from the group, for example using the toilets.
We travel to Monkey World by minibus or coach, depending on the number of pupils going. Travelling together in one vehicle and choosing the right size of bus, helps keep this excursion fuel-efficient, reducing air pollution and carbon emissions. We always ask our providers about their green credentials and choose the best option available.